Sabtu, 01 Februari 2014

[Exclusive Interview] Sweet & Honest Confession from LUNAFLY

lunafly_koreanindo 1Annyeonghaseyo Haebaragi ~!

Although it has been 2 weeks since the mat 'LUKIE BEAT Live in Concert' took place, the euphoria of the coming of the care group Nega Network has not ended. In a series of promotional Lunafly and LC9, sweet KI got a chance to talk much with them. Not just honestly admit about music and personal stories, this time the new Yun birthday on January 14 and also get a direct shock from KI team.

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Lunafly as a singer and songwriter
Lunafly Korea is one of the band who wrote and sang the songs of their own creation . KI curious , what was the inspiration for them to write a song ? Sam admitted , " We were just thinking about a normal life . As is known , that our songs mostly about love and women . That's because we felt very lonely. We combine our real life with fantasy . As with our first debut song titled ' How Nice Would It Be ' . The song tells the story of us who fall in love but still feel lonely . And it is because we feel lonely . "
Surely there must be a song writing certain difficulties to be faced Lunafly . What difficulties do Lunafly face when writing songs ? They answered , " The trouble is that we want a perfect song . We want to keep the color of our own music because it is very important to us . We never left it . So we must keep it . "
Not all producers are willing to take the risk of producing a song for the artist 's own creation . But lucky for Lunafly because they can sing songs of their own creation . Lunafly also share the song creation process of how they can be released . Sam explained , " First of all, we play a musical instrument to create the tone , melody , and writes the lyrics . I who made ​​the lyrics for English version . We also adjust to the concept that was approved with one another . After that we gave it to a producer and when he said ' OK ' , we recorded it together . After the release . "

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Lunafly stories and Cover Song on Youtube
If you are a true Lukie , certainly not ever miss to enjoy the videos made ​​by Lunafly cover . So many video Lunafly to cover foreign hits uploaded in their official Youtube channel even though we know their songs are good too . Sam revealed the reason , " Actually we are not much on TV . We are difficult to interact with fans so we are looking for ways on how to still be able to interact with fans . One of them is to play our favorite song is probably also your favorite song from the fan , and thankfully so far the reaction we received from the fans is great . "
Lunafly have to cover a lot of hits so far . How ya how the three of them decide what songs will make the cover ? Sam returns explains , " We interact with fans and receive feedback from them track what we want to sing for them . If the three of us fit , we 'll mmebuat cover that song . "
From all that has been created by the cover Lunafly , what songs their favorite ya ? Teo replied " The hardest song is a song from Mexico artist entitled " Corre " . It was difficult because the use of the Spanish language . " While Sam replied , " I feel the song ' Trouble Maker ' quite difficult to covered . Because we changed it quite a lot . While for most songs we enjoy to make his cover is ' Impossible ' . It was a very good song . And we also enjoyed the songs of Justin Timberlake 's ' Mirrors ' because of different musical genres with our music genre . "

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Lunafly active in cyberspace
Lunafly is one band that actively use social networks like Facebook and Twitter their promotional activities and interact with fans . The members Lunafly also have their personal Twitter accounts respectively . What do Lunafly who has many followers on Twitter ? Teo replied , " I have a lot of followers . Several thousand followers . I feel grateful for it . I feel like I want to work even harder . " Sam added , " We think we 'll get more followers again . It was enough to make us feel proud to have a lot of followers . "
In their personal twitter account , the members Lunafly often upload selcas (self - camera ) . Any yes response from fans with a selca on Twitter Lunafly upload ? Sam with a bit embarrassed to say , " Actually I'm not so often post selca . I rarely do it . Yun Teo and very well doing selca . I try to learn from them but still can not. Fans react differently . Some say that it was good . But some fans do not like it . I think that everyone has a different opinion . "
Well , Lukie certainly often mention their Twitter or deliver their comments on Facebook . So ya curious , have you ever actually read Lunafly mention or comments from fans ? Do Lunafly have a comment or mention that they remember most ? Yun replied , " I read any mention or comment from a fan . But , because so many mentions , I can not reply individually . Someone once asked ' What , do you hate me ? ' Maybe because I did not mention his reply . It often makes me sad . " While Sam also expressed kegalauannya about it . " It was very difficult . So I decided to never mention any reply . But I read any mention or comment from a fan . I definitely read them all . So I feel very sad for it because it can not repay . "

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Sam the workaholic , the buff chick Teo adults , and Yun the guitar lovers
KI provide some personal questions for each member Lunafly . From some info and rumors, KI finally threw a few questions that seem to be able to explain the facts and rumors. Let 's check this out !
Sam since 2013 last year , and to this day is still a radio DJ in Arirang . How ya feeling Sam about the profession as a radio DJ ? Sam says , " First , I really enjoy doing it. The best thing is that the show is unique . Many people say that to be a radio DJ , we will meet and make friends with many people . That's the reason I keep doing it . Moreover, being a radio DJ gave me the opportunity to communicate with the fans . "So, what 's the difference between being a singer by Sam with a radio DJ ? Sam replied , " The difference is , when I sing I 'll focus on my vocal . Meanwhile , being a radio DJ I can talk and interact with people who were there . "

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In an interview, the other members said that Sam is a member of the most 'workaholic' in Lunafly. How does Sam think about this? Sam said, "I really like to work in a long time. I like to work, because we do not know what tomorrow we will be. So I want to work hard now for tomorrow. "

Teo is a member Lunafly one who plays a variety of musical instruments. Teo could play musical instruments such as bass, keyboards, and percussion. Next, a musical instrument what ya want to learn Teo? Teo replied, "I want to learn the cello. I also want to learn Contrabass (like a cello but larger). When I was a teenager I dreamed to be able to play it. "

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Rumors say, if the same type of Teo likes noona noona-aka woman older than himself. Then KI fraudulent offers two options for the type of woman Teo, 1. A noona childish, or 2. A younger girl but a mature attitude and nature. So, which type of woman that suits the personality Teo? Teo replied firmly, "I'd rather young, but in a mature manner.". So, Teo is not always like the same-noona noona know. Catet!
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Yun, who is the youngest member in Lunafly just celebrated his birthday on 14 January. KI give a surprise birthday party for petty Yun and sang happy birthday for him. KI Yun also gave prizes to be one big tray of cookies typical Indonesian snacks. Yun looked really happy as it can surprise from KI. When asked what the heck KI most memorable gifts Yun received on her birthday this time. Yun turned towards trays and pointed, "This!", He said briefly. Wow, KI really flattered because, according to Yun cake snacks that KI gave him a most memorable gift for him.
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Towards the last question for Yun, Which is still busy munching one of the cakes from birthday gifts , KI gave the question , " Guitar or female ? Select one " . Rumor has it that Yun can not stay away from the guitar and when Yun has been playing the guitar , she would forget him. So , what is the answer Yun ? " I choose the guitar . " Said Yun . He also revealed that the reason behind the answer . " Of course I like women because I'm a man . But , if you had to choose one for now , I would choose the guitar . "Sorry girls , it seems more interesting for Yun guitar for now .Thus KI interview with Lunafly . Glad that in this second chance , KI can ask many questions to Lunafly , which hopefully can answer the curiosity Haebaragi in general , and in particular Lukie . Do not forget to check out an exclusive interview with KI Lunafly junior who also came to Indonesia to hold a concert together , LC9 . See you at the next exclusive interview !Annyeong . ^ ^
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1 komentar:

  1. wow they are handsome but i never heard them name before and know then lol
